VUMC employees receive additional benefits through

Beginning Dec. 1, 2018, VUMC employees will have access to additional services through, including: In-center backup care Now VUMC employees receive up to 20 days (per fiscal year — July 1 through June 30) of subsidized backup childcare at home or at local, vetted childcare centers. The portal includes a dashboard to show you how many days of backup care you have used.

Sitter Service helps address VUMC employee childcare needs

The VUMC Sitter Service has been revamped to help address the childcare needs of VUMC employees. The Sitter Service is an online portal that connects VUMC employees with hundreds of Vanderbilt University students and employees available for babysitting. Employees can search for a sitter based on availability, experience, age, gender or location.  Get Started

VUMC Child and Family Services program manager coordinates resources for Medical Center parents

Vanderbilt University Medical recently hired a program manager for VUMC Child and Family Services to help coordinate services and resources for VUMC parents. Christina Alsup received her bachelor’s degree in Applied Arts from Central Michigan University. Before joining VUMC, she worked in the hospitality industry managing customer relationships through elevated experiences.

Save time and money; bypass the ER for non-emergencies

When injury or illness strikes your family, it can be tempting to rush to the nearest emergency department, but in many cases, the ER is not the best choice. According to a study by Aetna, more than 50 percent of emergency department visits are unnecessary or avoidable, meaning care was available from a primary care physician or urgent care facility. And those unnecessary emergency department visits are costly — not only for the patient but also for the members of the VUMC Health Plan whose monthly premiums rise as a result of those visits.

Have Benefits, Can Travel

When you’re on vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is your benefits coverage. Fortunately, you don’t have to. The VUMC Health Plan provides emergency health coverage to you and your dependents while traveling, whether in the United States or in a foreign country.

Finding the Right Care Is as Easy as 1-2-3

Your health can change as quickly as the weather. That’s why Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s health plan makes sure you and your family have several easy, affordable ways to get the care you need, when and where you need it. If you or a family member is need of urgent medical care, follow these three steps to choose the best care option.